Product Recommendations
New downlight exceeds expectations; receives great review by Whitcraft Engineering Solutions
As an electrical engineer, I am especially impressed by The SquareFrame, which is a downlight manufactured by DMF Lighting of Carson, CA. The innovative SquareFrame fixture provides exceptional flexibility, simplicity, and performance. The downlight’s integrated box even meets strict fire safety and temperature requirements. You’ll appreciate its convenience, functionality, and low cost.
On Time and Within Budget – Whitcraft Invests in Best Software
John Whitcraft, PE, knows that the right software tools can help keep his work on time and within budget. One of his must-use tools is Bluebeam Revu workflow and construction management software. Among its many capabilities, Bluebeam enables John to electronically stamp and sign off on a construction document so that his signature is verifiable immediately. It works within AutoCAD as a high quality PDF creator. Bluebeam has the ability to count reference points with a certain shape or label, as well as create tables or schedules of lighting fixtures, skylights, and other construction materials. The multi-level program saves clients time and money while ensuring the highest quality of service from Whitcraft Engineering Solutions, Inc. Visit Bluebeam’s website for additional information.
John names Bluebeam as one of his “Can’t Do Without It…” tools when interviewed by Construction Dive Magazine .
For more information about how your project can be delivered on time and within budget, contact John at (858) 229-8722.