Construction Drawings
We will create construction drawings utilizing AutoCAD according to your requirements for compatibility. These drawings will match your design template so that drawing collaboration and exchange are seamless. Please provide us with (or point to) your design template including plot style table.
Documentation (provided or created)
We work with several forms of documents: Construction Drawings, Electrical Drawings, Low Voltage Power Distribution Diagrams, Lighting Design Requirements, Communications Design Requirements, California Energy Code (Title 24) – Lighting, Plan Check Comments, Supplier “Cut Sheets” and Technical Specifications. The documents provided for reference may be in any electronic form, or full-size paper form.
We create several forms of documents as part of our design: Existing Plot Plans, As-Built Detail Drawings, Reflected Ceiling Plans, Electrical Drawings, Single Line Drawings, Lighting Plans, Lighting Schedules for Title 24, and Engineering Calculation Schedules.
Field Support
We customarily participate in (or initiate) site walks to determine the actual conditions into which the required equipment must fit. We will require access, carrying a tape measure and a camera, into the project area prior to design and creation of construction documents.
LEED® and Title 24 Design
We are experienced and familiar with the LEED® prerequisites and Title 24 requirements. Forms and compliance statements will be part of the construction documents we deliver. Please provide us with existing plans for LEED® points, certification level and design coordination goals.
We will comply with the electrical code and the requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) over your building project. In the event the AHJ or contractor submits a Request For Information or Change Order, we have experience in reviewing either instrument.